Yes, it's true!
"How can you possibly do that?" you ask yourself. Well, here's how it works: From now on, whenever you log on to, money will be deposited to your bank account! Then, for so long as you remain logged on, additional funds will be transferred to your account according to the length of your visit. Even if you log off, when you log on again later, the same process will take place up to a daily limit (today, the limit is $10.00 but this is subject to change). Remember, this happens each time you log on! Yes, it sounds amazing, and it is, but there's MORE! Each him or her that you tell about the Pest and encourage to log on to will also get the same deal! And when they do, this will mean additional money for you! How we do this is simple: Through the magic of electronics, when you log on, a special program (Windows XCS) on the Notional Pest's server opens your current savings or deposit account at your bank. (Don't ask us how it knows where you do your banking and your account(s) numbers; electronics is a dark mystery and we don't understand it either.) Anyway, once the program opens your account(s), it deposits money at the following rates: $0.25 for each log-on and $0.05 for every full minute you remain logged on to Notional Pest ONLINE ! IN ADDITION, the program also detects when you have encouraged another person to visit the site. When they do so, another $0.25 is deposited to your account! — It's that simple! NO, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. THE SERVER'S PROGRAM HAS A BUILT - IN FIREWALL THAT PREVENTS MONEY MOVING IN ANY DIRECTION BUT INTO THE ACCOUNT(S). HOW WILL YOU KNOW IT'S WORKING? Each month when you get your bank statement you will note an item called "interest". As you know, the interest paid on bank deposits, savings, and especially current accounts is generally minuscule. But from now on, when you make logging onto Notional Pest ONLINE a regular habit, that will no longer be true. (Federal regulations require that we explain why we have to take the interest route and not just add another item to your statement indicating that the payments from the Pest have been credited. The answer is that the Bank Act prohibits federally chartered banks from accepting deposits from any source to personal accounts (other than the account holder) unless such deposits are credited in the interest part of the statement. Regulations also require that we make the following disclaimer: if funds are not transferred to your account(s) The Notional Pest cannot be held responsible if other parties to the agreement, viz., the banks, the server, and the software company that made the transfer program (Microsoft) are not in synchrony at the time of transfer.) SO TAKE TIME TO BROWSE THE NOTIONAL PEST THOROUGHLY — IT'S MONEY IN YOUR POCKET! AND DON'T FORGET TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS!