"This is another important step in our efforts to green the operations of the
Halifax Summit," stated Malcolm McKechnie, spokesperson for HSO. "By
giving everybody a reusable mug we are hoping to eliminate the use of un-
recyclable plastic throw-away cups from all Summit sites."
As an incentive to using the mugs, local restaurants are being asked by the
CEC to provide Summit participants with complimentary re-fills upon
presentation of their mug. The CEC is a group composed of
representatives from environmental groups, business, concerned individuals
and interested governmental departments.
"Each mug is made of recycled plastic and has the Summit logo on one
side, and the eco-logos of G-7 countries on the other," explains McKechnie.
"Whenever the mugs are used, the delegates and media will be reminded
of the environment."
Eco-logos are considered an environmental stamp
of approval. The
Canadian eco-logo is composed of a maple leaf and three doves, it can be
found on selected products approved through the Environmental Choice
ProgramM. The European Union, France, Japan, the United States and
Canada all have their eco-logos on the Summit mug.
Environmental awareness is a key theme of the Halifax Summit. HSO, in
conjunction with the Civic Environmental Committee, is working hard to
ensure that the Summit becomes a positive environment model for others
to emulate.
The Halifax Summit is a gathering of leaders
from the seven largest
industrialized nations as well as representatives of the European Union and
the Russian Federation. The event will take place in Halifax from June
15-17, 1995.
For more information:
Malcolm McKechnie Halifax Summit Spokesperson (902) 473-7117 Approved by: Len Edwards Malcolm McKechnie Wayne Barchard Marie-Helene Fox Jonathan Goldbloom