"The $28 million budget for the
Halifax Summit is well below the cost
of last year's Naples Summit and lower than the $29.3 million price-
tag for the 1988 Toronto Summit," stated Len Edwards, the Executive
Director of the Halifax Summit Office. "Moreover, the budget for the
Halifax Summit includes the cost of hosting a ninth national
delegation, the Russian Federation, which did not participate in the
Toronto Summit."
The budget of the HSO encompasses
all of the operational aspects of
the Summit from staffing to printing and security. The Government of
Nova Scotia and private sector sponsorships are expected to
contribute $1 million and $2.5 million respectively to the costs of the
HSO. Absorptions by other federal departments such as National
Defence, Solicitor General, Public Works and Government Services
Canada as well as Foreign Affairs and International Trade account for
a major portion of the HSO budget.
HSO's operational budget does not
include peripheral plans such as
the Summit Odyssey and special events. These activities will be
funded entirely through corporate sponsorship. If sponsorship
revenues cannot cover the cost of a particular event, then the event
will be scaled down.
The real cost of this year's Halifax
Summit is considerably less than
the Toronto Summit if the comparison is made in constant dollars.
Treasury Board estimates that the $29.3 million price-tag for the 1988
Toronto Summit would be approximated more accurately at $37.1
million using 1995 dollars.
The positive economic benefits to
the Halifax-Dartmouth and
surrounding area as a result of this year's Summit will be considerable.
"HSO estimates that fully 60% of its budget will be spent locally on
goods and services ranging from accommodation to printing to the
direct employment of residents," noted Malcolm McKechnie,
spokesperson for HSO. "The Summit will undoubtably have a positive
ripple-effect which will work its way throughout the entire local
Len Edwards also pointed out, "This
figure does not include the $7.3
million and 170 jobs which a Provincial impact study estimates the
more than 4,000 visiting delegates and media representatives will
create as a result of their direct spending during their stay in Halifax-
Dartmouth and its surrounding communities."
The G-7 Summit is an annual
meeting of the leaders of the world's
seven largest industrialized nations as well as representatives of the
European Union and the Russian Federation. As a full member of this
select multi-national body, Canada is called upon to host this
important international event once every seven years. The G-7 was
last hosted by Canada in 1988 in the City of Toronto.
"Halifax is one of only fifteen
cities over the past two decades to be
honoured to host this important gathering of world leaders," added
Mr. Edwards. "The positive economic benefits of having the 'eyes of
the world' focused on the city, in both the short and long-term, are
For more information contact:
Malcolm McKechnie Official HSO Spokesperson (902) 473-7117