"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Bob Ruohoniemi, Editor, 6939Hwy 1 Ardoise, RR 1 Ellershouse, NS B0N 1L0
phone (902) 757-3884 email:
SEPTEMBER    2005    --    NUMBER 124
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Editor's Comments:

        "Keep it alive in 05" certainly came true in Yarmouth last month! What a great venue and a fun time for all thedancers that came from all corners of the province as well as the many from New Brunswick.
        A new dance season is about to start with most of the clubs holding Open Houses or other events to find newdancers. For all current dancers it should be an automatic effort to try to keep our activity alive by recruiting andretaining new dancers. We all need to talk to friends, family, and aquaintances about what a wonderful time we enjoyand that we'd like to share it with them! If your club has visitors as potential new dancers, make sure they arewell-treated and encouraged to try either Square or Round dancing.
        This edition of BT has plenty of news from meetings, clubs, and FESTIVAL 05. The photos that are sent in addto our enjoyment. Dancers are encouraged to send in articles, arguments, & suggestions to the Editor.Your photos(either by Email or Post) should go directly to the BT Publisher - Alex Ritchie, 58 Oakdale Cr., Dartmouth, NS B3A2L8.



-     The criteria for Federation Awards were discussed and Board members agreed to present a change to AGM05 thatwould more clearly explain what is meant by "continuous" dancing or calling/cuing or club operating.
-     The location for AGM05 on Saturday, 15 October was planned for South Woodside Community Centre, Dartmouth, subject to later confirmation.
-     The Board members agreed to hold a special Federation "money-rasing" dance on Saturday, 29 October at the South Woodside Community Centre, Dartmouth. It will be held if the members of ANSSRDT accept an offerto share some of the receipts instead of their usually calling/cueing fees. The dance is planned to be at the Pluslevel with rounds at various levels. Bob and Inge Ruohoniemi volunteered to co-ordinate it.
-     The Presidents, Wayne & Dianne Burns, made a proposal to the Board that the Nova Scotia Federation host theNational Convention in 2010 in Halifax. They volunteered and were accepted as Chaircouple for the convention if it isheld in Halifax. They described some of their preliminary investigations and ideas for mounting this big event. Boardmembers agreed that they should prepare a draft proposal to present to AGM05 for NS dancers to decide if a requestshould be made to the Canadian Society to have Convention 2010 held in Halifax.
-     The Past President, Ron Connell, outlined the requirement to have a provinical "New Dancer Information Booklet".He was authorized to prepare a draft for the AGM with plans to issue the booklet to new dancers by Christmas.
-     It was determined that several of the current volunteers on the Board will be retiring after AGM05. The NominatingCommittee chaired by Ron & Dot Connell will be inviting NS dancers to take up these important tasks in order toprogress the work of the Federation. These positions include: Secretary, Publicity, Awards Committee Chair, &National Society Representative.
-     The President reported that the Cape Breton Region is considering the possibility of hosting FESTIVAL 07.
-     The Federation Webmaster, Alex Ritchie, reported that he had added all available information for potential newNova Scotia dancers who visit the Federation webpage at Clubs that intend holding classesshould check their information to confirm it.
-     The Society Reps., Ralph & Barb MacDonald reported that the Society TV promo for square dancing is now beingshown on Shaw Cable TV. (Post-meeting the Editor noted that Eastlink Cable is also running the promo.)
-     The ANSSRDT Rep., Dottie Welch, volunteered to acquire the Callerlab video that will include the NS web address& the Canada-wide phone number - 1-800-206-6696. It will be offered to NS TV stations to promote our dance.


Al and Corinne McNabb - MAYFLOWER AWARD 2005

Al and Corinne began square dancing with the Red River Reelersin Winnipeg, Manitoba in 1963. They took a few months off in1965 to have a third son but other than that they have beendancing continuously.

They moved from Winnipeg to Summerside P E I in 1966 andimmediately joined the Lady Slipper Squares and danced withthat club until 1972 when they were posted to Baden Germany.While in Summerside, they were involved with several clubs. In1967, they helped restart the Islamandairs at RCAF Summerside.They were secretary-treasurer of the club. They also graduatedfrom the round dance club at the base - P.E.I. Rounds. While inSummerside, Al took up calling so many hours were spent in PeteHoward's basement Al became the caller for Woodworth Twrilersof Ellerslie. He also taught a youth group at St. Mary's ChurchHall.

Al and Corinne were on the staff of the first and second M.C.C.A.Convention (Nov. 1970 and Nov. 1971).

In 1972, they were again on the move. This posting was to Baden,Germany. While in Germany, they joined the. SoellingenSwingers at CFB Baden and the Schwartzwald Tanzer's of Lahr.They were very active in the Soellingen Swingers holding severalexecutive positions. Al also taught the Soellinger Swingers classbut decided to quit when it got too difficult to find time for allactivities. With three sons in hockey, cubs, scouts, etc. and Alhelping with hockey and being a Troop Scouter and Corinnebeing a Cub Leader, etc. it became impossible. However, theycontinued to dance and visited many European countries duringtheir five years spent there.

They were posted to Greenwood, N.S. in 1977 and joined the Rainbow Dancers and still dance with this club. Theyhave held several offices in this club including 8 years as President. They helped each year that the Square Dance Floattook part in the Apple Blossom Parade. They were the chaircouple one term for the King and Queen pageant for thesquare dancers in connection with the Apple Blossom Festival. They were one of the couples who helped organize thefirst Valley Dance for Heart and acted as MC for the first several years. At present they are the chaircouple for theRainbow Dancers 40th Birthday Dance to be held in May 2005.

Al and Corinne joined the first class of the plus club Annapolis Valley Promenaders in 1988 and continued to danceuntil Ken retired and the club folded and then they joined the Apple Valley Dancers and still dance there.

On the Provincial level, they have been active in the Federation. They have attended most annual meetings asrepresentatives for the Rainbow Dancers. They served as valley reps and alternates. They were on the Executive of theFederation, first as secretary-treasurer and then treasurer. They were also chaircouple for publicity. They are presentlyon the float committee. They were co-chaircouple for Festival 2001.

On the Federal level, they helped with the 82 National Convention and was on the Board of Directors for the NationalConvention in 1994 holding the position of Executive Secretary.

Al and Corinne have attended 27 of the M.C.C.A. conventions and missed only 3 of the NationalConvention. As well, they attended a National Convention in Japan and many dances and conventions in Europe. Theyhave also danced in many of the USA States. They feel it is the very best way to meet many great people and havemade many good square dance friends over the past 41 years.


Dottie and Gary Welch - MAYFLOWER AWARD 2005

Born to active New England square and contra dancing parents, Dottie quicklydeveloped an enduring love of the people, patterns and music of the square danceworld. Square dancing has been a life-long adventure with over 30 years of veryactive involvement by Dottie and Gary in the Nova Scotia Square Dance scene.Here are some of the highlights.

They began modern square dancing in 1973 in Massachusetts with Roger Whynot. In '74 they moved to Nova Scotia and joined the Bee Squares class, later theydanced with the Marine Swingers, were founding members of the Eager Eights,and have round danced with Dancing Shadows, Lite Fantastics and In the PinksDancers.

Gary's 1980 sabbatical in Madison, Wisconsin allowed them to learn Advancedand to subsequently help other Maritimers do so. This process led to Dottie'scalling career and gradually spread into calling everything from beginners to C2for the Motivators, Sail Sets, Coordinators, Lake City Swingers and Southern ASquares of New Brunswick.

Locally Dottie has been an active member of Metro Association since 1979. Theyheld the Chair from '87-'89, Dottie has edited Metro Matters since January of '92,programmed all January Jigs and Heart Fund Dances along with many years ofSummer Dancing, called at numerous demonstrations, and she is currentlysecretary as well.

Provincially Dottie and Gary became Central Region Reps in 1982 and wereelected as Vice President, followed by President in '83-'85. They have attendedall but one Federation Festival, assisted in planning the first two as well as bothHalifax Festivals, and Dottie has called at four. Recently returned to theFederation Executive as the ANSSRDT Liaison, she helped organize the March2005 Marketing Seminar and wrote the report of suggested marketing strategies.

The big leadership jobs began with Chairmanship of Support Services and laterVice Chairman for the first Halifax National Convention in 1982. This led tobeing President of the Federation and to Dottie being a DANS Board memberfrom '83 to '89 including 2 years as Treasurer and the honour of life membership. Next came Program Chairman for the 1994 Halifax National including the creationof the "Dance by the Shore in '94" logo and accompanying promotional dance. Then Dottie assisted the New Brunswick Board as Program Chairman forConvention '02 held in Saint John. With the unique qualification of serving on theboard for 3 National Conventions, Dottie helped to write guidelines for programming that continue to be used across the country.

Dottie & Gary have attended all but two of the Canadian National Conventions and Dottie has called at every one since 1986. The first bighighlight of her calling career was in '98 in Ottawa when she called on Parliament Hill to 50 squares of enthusiastic dancers.

Using her math teacher background, Dottie has worked through ANSSRDT, DANS and Metro on ways to increase square dancing in theschool system. In addition to student presentations, she has taught student teachers how to square dance, made presentations at teacher in-services and written reference material to assist teachers in using square dancing in their classrooms.

In support of the caller organizations, Dottie has been editor of the ANSSRDT Newsletter since '92. They have attended every MaritimeConvention since '75, Dottie has called since '85, and she has been Registration or Program Chairman for several. To pass along her callingknowledge, she has organized numerous workshops for ANSSRDT, MCCA and the National Conventions. In 2003 she and Kerry Fletcherassisted Norm Wilcox teaching at the first Alguire Memorial Callers School and they are currently busy planning for the second Callers Schoolwith Jack MacArthur in August '05.

Since attending her first Callerlab meeting in 1995, Dottie has become increasingly active in Callerlab. She is currently chairman of theChoreographic Applications Committee and Co-editor of the Community Dance Journal with additional participation in several othercommittees. Attending the yearly meetings of this international association helps her act as liaison between Nova Scotia and the wide world ofsquare dancing.

In 2001, Dottie was presented with the "DANS AWARD", Dance Nova Scotia's highest honour, presented "as merited, not necessarilyannually, to an individual who has given exceptional service to dance at the provincial, national and/or international level."

As an unexpected bonus, that award caused her to be approached to act as coach for Peter Jordan when he learned to call square dancing for theTV show " It's A Living". Filming the 10-minute segment for national airing in the fall of 2001 was a second career highlight.

Dottie believes that Square Dancing should include contras, rounds, mixers and solo dances integrated into a varied program. Accordingly shehas learned to prompt contras, teach line dancing, and to cue many easy round dances. In a return to our roots, she has recently learned to callto live music and greatly enjoys the flying-before-the-wind sensation of this traditional dance form. So Dottie and Gary continue to expandtheir knowledge and participation and are always willing to help dancers or leaders where there is a need or an opportunity to improve ouractivity.



Longevity - Awards to Dancers

LaHave River Ramblers

   Richard & Mary Eldridge - 38 years   
   Fran Dalziel - 38 years   
   Leslie Smith - 36 years   
   Lyman & Marilyn Huskins - 35 years   
   Grant & Jane Walls - 20 years   

Sunrise Squares

   Earl & Goldie Fancy - 37 years   
   Duncan & Ruth Keddy - 33 years [in absentia]   
   Irvin & Geraldine Ramey - 31 years   
   Maynard & Delma Dorey - 29 years   
   Anita Dixon - 20 years   
   Burpie & Rita Meisner - 20 years [in absentia]   

Bluenose Twirlers

   Glen & Kay Gavel - 39 years   
   Elmer & Joyce Lennox - 35 years   
   Arthur & Bernice Hall - 34 years   
   Eleanor Surette - 30 years   
   Sam & Dot Cummings - 23 years   

Service Awards Callers/CUERS
Square Dance Calling

   Shirley Nickerson - 40 years [in absentia]   
   Elmer Lennox - 34 years

Shirley's Shipmates

   Burnely & Shirley Nickerson - 52 years   
         [in absentia]   

Club Longevity Award

   Bluenose Twirlers - 40 years   
   Shirley Shipmates - 40 years   
   Sunrise Squares - 20 years   

Happy DANCERS holding Longevity Awards ( not all are present )


Caller Service Awards and Club Longevity Awards

Al & Corrine McNabb -- Dottie & Gary Welch
2005 recipients of this award for excellence.Mayflower Award Pics





          The Square & Round Dance Festival / 05 was held in Yarmouth on August 5th & 6th, hosted by the SouthShore Clubs. Friday's early bird dance was well attended. The opening ceremonies were led by a local Yarmouthstudent, Sean McKenzie, who piped in the procession of host club banners and then led everyone in the NationalAnthem.
          Everyone was welcomed by Chair couple, Paul & Carol Conrad, Federation Presidents, Wayne & DianneBurns, National Society Rep., Ralph MacDonald, and DANS Rep., Inge Ruohoniemi. Mayor Charles Crosbywelcomed everyone and sent regrets from District of Arglye, MLA Chris d'Entremont and Yarmouth MLA, RichardHurlburt. Entertainment was provided by Sean McKenzie with step dancing and Celtic fiddle.
          All the dancing was held at the Burridge Campus of the Nova Scotia Community College. On Sat. morning,dancing on the waterfront was well attended by approximately 10 squares with callers George & Wendy Michaels ofYarmouth.
          Everyone was presented with registration bags and numerous prizes were handed out.
          Saturday night the Awards were presented for Dancer Longevity, Club Longevity and Service Awards. Twodeserving couples received the Mayflower Award.The callers and cuers, all from Nova Scotia led the dancers in square dance, round dance, and workshops, ended the festival withthe friendship ring.

                             Respectfully submitted, Dan & Jeanette Burke, Advertising/Publicity


Bluenose Twirlers Celebrate 40th Anniversary

          The Bluenose Twirlers welcomed guests and dancers to the Holy Trinity Church Hall, Yarmouth on May 17thto celebrate the clubs 40 years of dancing. A pot luck supper started off the evening at 6:30 that was enjoyed by all.Our caller , Elmer Lennox, started the dancing at 8:30 and then introduced visiting callers, Garnet Banks, RonOuthouse, Wayne Isles and Wendy & George Michaels.
          Liz Kwantes, who was the Bluenose Twirlers first secretary arrived with books and pictures that everyoneenjoyed. Jeanette & Dan displayed Bristol boards and pictures of the last 40 years. Art & Bernice Hall decorated thehall. Six squares and many former dancers enjoyed a great evening. Club certificates were to be presented at theupcoming Festival /05 in Aug.

                             Jeanette & Dan Burke, Club Rep. Bluenose Twirlers



          Shirley and Burnley have been square dancing for 52 years. In 1965, Shirley started the "Gay GatewayDancers" and for this first graduation class, 40 dancers received their badges. This club graduated a total of 144dancers until 1970 when, the "Lobster Bay Skippers" started and in three years, Shirley and Burnley graduated 103square dancers.
          Shirley started cueing round dancing in 1973. The first year a total of 15 round dancers graduated. The "Circle'N' Dance Ranch" was formed in 1973. 35 couples graduated in a total of 4 years in square dancing and 6 couplesgraduated in round dancing. Between 1985 & 1990, a new theme evolved with ballroom, rounds and square dancing,all taking place at the "Pirates Den", which was in Shirley and Burnley's home. 1990 and 1991, Shirley taught plus,rounds and square dancing with a plus and a mainstream workshop. 13 dancers graduated plus, 11 mainstream and 18,round dancing. 1992-1994, Shirley continued with rounds, squares and a summer workshop. 1994-2004 Shirley'sShipmates graduated another 15 couples.
          Burnley has always been at Shirley's side, making sure the dancers always had a cup of tea or coffee beforegoing home, and always filling in as a dancing partner for solo dancers. In 2004, due to health problems, Shirley wasunable to continue calling. We thank you for the many years of dedication. Awards were given to Shirley & Burnley inabsentia, at the Festival/05 in Yarmouth, which included, Service Award, Club Longevity and Dancer Longevity.

                             Jeanette & Dan Burke, Club Rep. Bluenose Twirlers


Appended to the distributed issue of this Between Tips
is the August 2005 E-MAIL NEWSLETTER
of the Canadian Square & Round Dance Society.

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